Call today: (330) 546-7961

Excavation services

Your concrete is only as good as its base, so rely on our experts to carefully prepare your site for whatever concrete project you need. The key to a solid, long-lasting foundation, slab, driveway, walkway or patio is proper site preparation.

We begin with a thorough inspection of your site and soil, examining grade, as well as the makeup of the soil and underlayers. We ascertain the base is the right composition and is carefully graded to provide the best base possible for your concrete.

Call today for free estimates

Main Line:

(330) 546-7961

210 Jobe Ct SE

Canton, OH 44707

Office Hours:

8AM - 6PM

Preparation for concrete

Proper engineering of the ground beneath your concrete is crucial to the life and stability of your concrete. Our process is dictated by your project, using a step by step procedure that cross checks each phase before moving on. From foundations to parking lots, flooring to patios, driveways to walkways, we customize our method to assure the proper base so your concrete performs without settling, cracking or crumbling.

Excavation begins with removing vegetation and surface materials that may be too weak to maintain the integrity of your concrete. We grade and fill, then ensure the proper amount of moisture and compaction to provide your concrete with the type of base needed for your anticipated use. Whether you anticipate a lightly used walk way or a warehouse floor that will experience consistent heavy loads, we provide a product that will deliver.


Sitework and digging

When it comes to inspecting, grading and digging for all types of projects, our staff members are experts. Contact our excavation team when you need grading for new construction, digging for footers and basement walls, trenching for utility lines, or filling and leveling for your concrete project.

Proper sitework provides the best foundation all for all your new construction and concrete projects. Our work is quality and our estimates are free. Call today.